Author: oscar

Have you noticed that there are certain books you liked a lot and only found that they have the same author? Such preference is only normal since you may find a writing style of a certain author to be appealing or the method of storytelling as easy-going. Not to mention, the book’s content can be very relatable to your current or past situation.
Authors of such appealing books are popular with parents. In Canada, there are a few children’s book authors who are well-loved and their works are well-known. Here are some of them:
Robert Munsch
There is no Canadian parent that is not familiar with the works of …

The big kids’ age group is where novels start to become relevant. For kids age 10 to 13 years old, concepts about good and evil, or right and wrong, will now be told on a level where morality is gaining concrete establishment and the need for empathy is still growing.
In the list below, some books need the supervision of an adult in order to explain the grey side of things and to address curiosities in a way that doesn’t compromise the kid’s innocent perspectives.
One great way to learn the important lessons in life earlier is through reading and understanding a novel, and here are …

Do babies and toddlers need books even though they can’t read? Of course they do. They got to start somewhere, right? A requirement for a book to be baby-friendly or toddler-friendly is the convenience to parents as they tell a story.
Aside from the very simple words and black-and-white tale concepts, colorful and catchy drawings that depict certain parts of a story are mandatory. If you are planning to read a story to very young children, here are the 8 best books for toddlers and babies you can choose from:
Red is Best by Kathy Stinson and Robin Baird Lewis
Due to her mother’s disappointment, a little stubborn …

Celebrities may appear larger than life because of their personality on TV, magazines, and social media. However, some do have talents in literature, and they are utilizing them well in order to create amazing children’s books. Here are some of the best children’s books done by North American celebrities:
Today I Feel Silly & Other Moods that Make My Day by Jamie Lee Curtis
The star of ‘True Lies’ authored this book about teaching kids how to deal with a wide array of emotions.
Everything is Mama by Jimmy Fallon
One of the popular late-night talk show hosts wrote his first book for his own kids. …