Do babies and toddlers need books even though they can’t read? Of course they do. They got to start somewhere, right? A requirement for a book to be baby-friendly or toddler-friendly is the convenience to parents as they tell a story.

Aside from the very simple words and black-and-white tale concepts, colorful and catchy drawings that depict certain parts of a story are mandatory. If you are planning to read a story to very young children, here are the 8 best books for toddlers and babies you can choose from:

Red is Best by Kathy Stinson and Robin Baird Lewis

Due to her mother’s disappointment, a little stubborn girl is adamant about wearing red clothes all the time. When wearing red stockings, she can jump higher and while wearing red mittens, her snowball shapes are better.

Baby Beluga by Raffi and Ashley Wolff

The lyrics from one of Raffi’s hit songs are borrowed and written on this certain illustrated book. It’s great to have a sing-along with your very young kids.

Night Cars by Teddy Jam and Eric Beddows

A baby who can’t sleep and a drowsy dad look at the nighttime city view through the window and made even special with sweet rhymes.

Sweetest of All by Jean Little and Marisol Sarrazin

A farm filled with different families from different species. There are sweet ducklings and also dear kittens, to name a few.

Kitten’s Spring by Eugenie Fernandes

This book is the first entry of Kitten’s adventures. Here, Kitten goes to the farmyard and encounters different animals and their offspring.

ABC of Canada by Kim Bellefontaine and Per-Henrik Gürth

A list is not complete without a book about the alphabet. Each letter signifies something and somewhere special in Canada, and of course, there are fitting illustrations.

Without You by Geneviève Côté

This is a classic tale about friendship as two friends try to list the things they think they can do alone as individuals and only find that they can do better when they cooperate with each other.

Little You by Richard Van Camp and Julie Flett

This is a perfect book about an expression of parents’ happiness of having a little baby.

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