Summer can be filled with adventure and relaxation. However, the temptation to over-indulge can be very strong and affect the learning capabilities of your kids as they will enter the new school year.

It’s during these times that summer learning loss happens. As the term suggests, ‘summer learning loss’ is a state wherein learning or the thirst to learn is getting lost as the kids enjoy more the summer vacation recklessly. According to studies, it mostly affects kids attending grade 8 and below.

It may be very easy for kids to forget historical facts or laws of exponents when they’re riding pool slides or attempting to clear a level in a video game. What parents need is having a learning balance and the mindset must aim at life-long learning.

To help with that, here are some learning activities that you can encourage your child while enjoying the summer vacation.

Writing Prompts

Writing something casually is a great exercise to enrich more writing skills while improving the level of reflection.

Travel Journaling

As you travel on vacations, you can inspire your kids to write their own journals. Having adventures written down can pay off in the long run.

Teaching Guides

If you want your kids to be more familiarized with the current social issues so that they can be soon agents of change, you can check on teaching guides about racism and gender inequality.

Making a Comic Book

How about improving your kids’ storytelling skills and imagination also? Try to encourage them to venture into the arts such as making a comic book.

Lifelong Learning

Being away from regular school activities can enable your kids to be participative in learning skills and analysis about the necessary things in life, such as chores and commute.

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